Tuesday, 14 November 2006

Hello World

So... what does one write in a first blog entry?

I guess a generic introduction to the purpose, expected content and reason for the blog. There are so many blogs around that surely an extra one is just a waste of time and space. I would certainly make that comment about a number of other blogs that I've stumbled across in the past.

I wanted somewhere to be able to think through a number of things, as the very act of writing a cogent argument on-screen should force me to think it through properly, rather than having a half-hearted waffle... if anybody else reads it - then that is a bonus (or not depending on their point of view I guess).

As a consequence, I will try very hard not to include personal things that are not relevant - ie. no 'Today I went and bought a new TV, it's really cool'. I will try and discuss politics (UK mainly, although also generically as and when it comes up), religion (btw... I am an evangelical Christian - this is an important starting knowledge about me for anybody reading...) and hopefully the intersection of the 2. (By this I mean - does my religion, which should affect all aspects of my life, affect how I vote politically? - what do Christ's teachings suggest about the way we should interact with, and aim to direct, society today? - Does this mean that all Christians should vote for the same party, and if so which one?)

Hopefully that all makes some kind of sense to me, and will try and keep me on the straight and narrow blogging path.

Welcome to my world...


Anonymous said...

So this is how a comment comes out...

Anonymous said...

So, what convinced you to use blogger?